✓ THESIS COMPETITION ON RE-IMAGINING URBAN RIVERS-SEASON 2 Uploaded On:.✓ Namami Gange 24th NewsLetter Uploaded On:.for Ganga Knowledge Centre (Library) established at O/o National Mission for Clean Ganga Uploaded On:. ✓ Empanelment of Book sellers and Publishers for supply of Books, E-Books & Journals etc.✓ Guidance Note for Environmentally Sensitive, Climate Adaptive and Socially Inclusive Urban Riverfront Planning and Development Uploaded On:.✓ Request for Proposal document for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring System (OCEMS) Instruments with 5 Years of Operation and Maintenance Category-I Uploaded On:.✓ Request for Proposal document for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring System (OCEMS) Instruments with 5 Years of Operation and Maintenance Category II Uploaded On:.✓ Request for Proposal document for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring System (OCEMS) Instruments with 5 Years of Operation and Maintenance Category-III Uploaded On:.Shit Flow Diagram Online Course, May 4- 29, 2020 by CSE.Details of DM & ULB on River Ganga and Tributaries.Orders and Letters related to District Ganga Committee.NMCG Biodiversity Conservation Programme.